Monday, March 29, 2010


A few terms I am particularly fond of:

1. Rode
: Let me make perfectly clear that this is not about grammar. It's a cowboy thing. They all say ridden, too, but only they can say rode. I wish I could say it too.


Voodoo Child got rode.

2. Look off: When a rider looks off, he is giving up on the ride, looking to the ground where he thinks he's about to be. This is frowned upon. Usually that ground is where he does end up right after he looks there.


First announcer: Look at that! What did you see there?

Second announcer: Same thing you saw! You just didn't want to say it. He's looking off!

3. Belly Roll: A belly roll is a very cool move that some bulls have in their bag of tricks. In fact, it is so cool that until you see it you will not have any idea how impressive it really is. A good belly roll is a pure joy to behold, and it makes you love the sport of bull riding. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to describe, but here goes. A belly roll occurs when, while completely air-born, the bull twists his torso to the side while kicking. The effect is that his belly rolls to the side and his kick is parallel to the ground. I know, you probably can't envision it, but if you ever see a bull do it, you will immediately know what it is. Recently I saw a bull do a belly roll in one direction and then immediately do one to the other side. I'm not altogether sure any rider could stay on in those circumstances, and the rider in question did not.

Example [As the ride is being replayed in slow motion]:

First announcer: He looked good coming out of the chute and
then --

Second announcer, interrupting: Look at that belly roll! Man, oh man.