Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Judge a Bull: Intensity

Of the five elements on which bulls are judged (buck, kick, spin, intensity, and degree of difficulty), the category of intensity is the least specific and leaves the most room for interpretation. The ABBI describes it this way:

"This category is nothing more than the amount of effort, or level of intensity that a bull is using as he bucks. In other words, how much try is he putting into the trip. If a bull has high marks in the core elements, it would be hard not to assume that he is using a high degree of intensity as he bucks. However, we have all seen bulls that seem to be just 'going through the motions' with very little enthusiasm even though they are, for the most part, doing everything right. This category allows for separation between bulls with similar trips when one was putting more of himself into the effort, and deserves to be marked over the other one. While the category might seem a little vague unless you’ve watched a lot of bulls, it will prove useful in that it will allow a judge who liked one bull’s trip better than another one but can’t say exactly why, to fall back on the intensity aspect, which is most likely what looked better about the trip anyway."