Monday, June 21, 2010

Injury Report: Code Blue

Another world-class athlete has been benched, but this time it's a bull. Code Blue, the 2009 PBR Bull of the Year, has been taken out of competition with a back injury. He'd been hauled to a Touring Pro event in North Dakota and upon leaving the trailer was seen to be having some balance and mobility problems.

Code Blue is a 1500 pound bull, born in 2004. He has been ridden only once in 25 attempts, bucks off 96% of his riders in an average time of 4.42 seconds and his average bull score is 45.90 (out of 50 possible points). The only guy to ride him was J.B. Mauney, who simply refused to let go and finished the ride hanging upside down off the side of the bull. That's the official stuff.

The unofficial stuff is that I just love this bull. When I started watching bull riding, he was the first bull that took my breath away, and he's done it every single time I've seen him. When I started this website, I called one of his owners, Rick Wagoner, and asked for permission to use this photograph. He was in his truck at the time, hauling Code Blue to a big event in Dallas. He was courteous and friendly and we chatted about where he'd been and where he was headed. He immediately said that I could use the picture. He was a southern gentleman and, being a northeastern girl, I was charmed by that.

Code Blue is a gorgeous bull and he's beautiful to watch. He's got a few tricks up his sleeve and gets so airborne that he hardly seems to touch the ground when he's got a man on his back. (He's also known to be very fond of waffles.) A vet and chiropractor have been called in. I surely hope that they can fix him up.