Monday, August 2, 2010

Imaginary Cowgirl: Ain't Got No

So I'm feeling sorry for myself these days because I've got no cows, no bulls, nowhere to put any, and no money to speak of, anyway. I'd like a little ranch somewhere it doesn't snow where I could raise a few head of bucking cattle. I'd pretty soon be collecting bloodlines like some people collect wine. But bloodlines are even better: Mix a little of this with a little of that, wait a few years, put a cowboy on it, see what happens. The thrill of the chase. My only problem, other than the no land and no money, is that I like things to be neat. I've got a feeling that isn't going to be a high priority on the ranch.

On the plus side, after worrying for quite some time now about my ability to assist in calf-birth, I have realized that I would indeed be able to leap to the fore and pull the calf free from the cow. Some things - and I think these include calving - are worse on video than they are in real life. Even bats and spiders are worse on video than they are in real life, and in real life those are two things that I have an unreasonable fear of. Compared with that, I'm not afraid of muck or birth membrane. You do what you have to do. Of course, now that I think about it, I'm sure ranches are full of spiders and bats. That might be an issue.