Monday, August 22, 2011

San Antonio by the Numbers

90 point rides: 1 (Guilherme Marchi on Back Bender)  

45+ bulls: 3  (See Bulls and Bloodlines for details)  

Number of bull scores under 40:  5  

Reride options: 2  

Muley count:  5 (Set me straight, muley counters.)  

Scurs count: 1 (Okay, nearly impossible to tell with scurs.)

Clone count:  2   

Number of times blacklisted phrases were used: 1 ("turfed")  
Times Craig Hummer mispronounced Silvano Alves' first name:  Zero (Check You've Got Mail  to find out why.)  

Number of times announcers and commentators referred to "The Brazilians":  4 (As opposed to about 100 on all previous broadcasts this year.  Someone had a word with someone.  Individual sport, individual riders.  The most important thing about someone is not their nationality.)  

Riders with 4 rides:  2  

Riders with 3 rides:  2  

Riders with 2 rides:  2  

Riders with 1 ride:  14  

Riders with 0 rides:  19

Riders in going into Championship Round with only one prior ride:  4  

Riders placing in event top ten with only one ride:  5  

Most money won:  $45,026  

Riders winning no money:  19  

Times the chute judge yelled at riders to get out of there:  I counted 7.  (As opposed to 17 last week.  Someone's working on this.)  

Bulls with sponsorship names: 3  

Bulls with names they'd get beat up for if they were in 7th grade:  7