Monday, September 12, 2011

PBR Notes: Milwaukee

I just hate two-day events with delayed broadcasts.

It's my own fault.  I used to just watch the events as they were broadcast, but now I have gotten into the bad habit of keeping up with things as they occur in real time and watching them on the day-later broadcast.

So this weekend I listened to Friday's rounds on Friday, and then Saturday's on Saturday, taped Friday night's rounds on Saturday and watched them Sunday along with the Saturday night's rounds.

By the end of the weekend I was dazed and confused, and didn't know what day it was or how many PBR events I had watched.  Well, I know it was only one, but it kind of felt like two.

So forgive me, banditos, for not having a whole lot to say.  I don't even really know if it was a good event.  I do know a few things.

Rubens Barbosa is fun to watch.  Douglas Duncan is a cool dude.  After Party is my hero.

Other than that, I'll just let the video of Asteroid tell the tale, because he just might be the really big story of this event.