Monday, September 19, 2011

Springfield by the Numbers

 Austin Meier: 90.25
Pistol Robinson: 89.25
Mike Lee: 88.75
Ryan McConnel: 88.50
Ryan McConnel: 88.25
Silvano Alves: 88.25
Austin Meier: 88
Robson Palermo: 88

Top five, event average:


45+ bulls: 4  (See Bulls and Bloodlines for the list)

Number of bull scores under 40:  I have 9.  Slade Long has 13.  I'd go with Slade.

Reride options:  5

Number of bulls Luke Snyder got on in Round One:  3 (two re-rides, one ride)

Number of times Silvano Alves has drafted Perfect Poison:  About a billion.  I've got nothing against picking a bull you know you can ride, and it's a good business decision, and it pays off time and again, so I get it.  But let's move on already.

Riders with 4 rides:  1

Riders with 3 rides:  3

Riders with 2 rides:  8

Riders with 1 ride:  12

Riders with 0 rides20

Riders in going into Championship Round with only one prior ride:  1

Number of riders doctored out of the Championship Round: 3.  Proctor (groin pull), Vieira (bruised ribs), and Elliott (sore ribs).

Most money won:  $43,520

Riders winning no money:  20 (this is about average lately)

Bulls that were called something else last week:  0

Bulls with sponsorship names:  7

Number of times Ty Murray said "Allemande left" or "Allemande right":  Something like 5.  I'm not putting it on the blacklisted phrase list yet, but that list needs a few more items, so I'm going to keep an eye on this one.  BTW, love the glasses, Ty.

Number of times Craig Hummer said "lunch pail bull:"  Just once, but it's gotta go, Craig.

Number of times I shouted:  Several.  Might have been "Yo ho! Pit Boss!"  Or it might have been "Holy...crow!" or Holy something like that.

Number of bulls with names they'd get beat up for if they were in junior high school:  I'm going with 4.  Amy's Pet, Lily's Dream, Bois d'arc, and sadly, Jiminey Cricket.  Although you might get away with Bois d'arc because when you say it, it sounds like Bwah Dark.  That might work.