Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Year in Injuries

Here's an unofficial summary of the injuries we saw in the PBR this year:

Head/skull   (26)

concussion, hit by bull's horn
concussion - head hit bull's head
concussion  - stepped on
concussion - head hit bull's head
concussion, skull factures
post-concussive symptoms
concussion – head hit ground
concussion – head hit bull’s head
concussion - hung up, run over by bull
concussion - head hit bullfighter's knee
concussion, chin laceration - head hit bull's horn
concussion, facial laceration - head hit horn
concussion - head hit ground
concussion (traumatic brain injury)
concussion (head hit ground)
concussion concussion - head hit bull's horn
broken jaw, severe concussion - head hit bull's head
concussion and separated left shoulder - on landing
severe concussion, complex laceration of left ear - stepped on by bull
concussion - head hit ground

Face/jaw  (12)

lacerated ear (hit by horn)
facial bruises (black eye)
bruised jaw (face hit horn),
head laceration
chin laceration, broken teeth - hit by bull's horn
lacerated nose, stepped on
oral lacerations, facial bruising - face hit bull's head
lacerated chin - head hit bull's head in chute
chin laceration - head hit bull's horn
facial laceration - head hit horn
broken jaw – face his bull’s head
eye (cornea) - pyro accident

Shoulder  (17)

sprained left (riding arm) sternoclavicular joint - on landing
sprained sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints, - hit by horn
dislocated left shoulder (free arm) - on landing
sprained left shoulder AC joint and separated shoulder (free arm) strained rotator cuff - on landing
aggravated left shoulder sprain
partially dislocated left shoulder - assisting in chute
aggravated shoulder injury.
aggravated shoulder separation (on landing)
dislocated shoulder (riding arm)
aggravated shoulder injury
bruised left shoulder
dislocated shoulder, rotator cuff injury, riding arm - on landing
aggravated shoulder separation
shoulder separation - hit by bull's horn
sprained right shoulder (riding arm)
bruised right (riding arm) shoulder
aggravated torn cartilage, right (free arm) shoulder

Arm  (5)

bruised left forearm (stepped on)
bruised right (free) arm - hit by horn
bruised arm
bruised deltoid - hit by horn
nerve injury (free arm)

Wrist  (3)

broken bone in wrist
sprained wrist (riding arm)
sprained right wrist

Hand  (9)

sprained knuckle, riding hand
broken hand, free arm
hyper-extended thumb, free hand - on landing
aggravated right (riding) hand injury
aggravated sprained riding hand
Sprained knuckle (riding hand)
sprained left (riding hand)
broken finger, riding hand - stepped on by bull
dislocated thumb

Elbow  (6)

injured elbow, free arm - on landing
dislocated elbow
torn medial collateral ligament in free arm elbow
aggravation of left elbow (riding hand) injury
sprained left elbow (Denver)
sprained elbow (riding arm)

Ribs/chest  (13)

separated rib
broken ribs – run over by bull
bruised ribs
sore ribs
separated ribs,
fractured ribs - stepped on by bull
broken ribs,
separated ribs, - fell on
broken rib stepped on by bull
bruised lungs
punctured lung – run over by bull
bruises and abrasions on chest (stepped on)
broken collarbone

Back  (8)

bruised tailbone
bruised upper back - stepped on
strained neck - landed on head
neck injury - on landing
broke three bones in neck
strained neck
strained neck - hit by horn
strained lower back

Hip/pelvis  (16)

hip pointer - stepped on by bull
aggravation of left groin and lower abdominal strains
right hip pointer - stepped on by bull
bruised right hip
hip pointer
hip pointer
bruised pelvis (hit by horn)
strained right hip adductor
groin strain
bruised right hip
strained hip adductor
strained right hip adductor
strained right hip abductor, stepped on by bull
sprained pelvis
bruised left buttock
strained right adductor

Groin  (3)

aggravated groin injury
right groin
strained groin muscle

Knee  (11)

torn ACL - stepped on
right knee
bruised right knee
torn ACL - on landing
sprained knee - in chute
PCL and MCL tears in right knee - fell on
torn ACL and MCL (on landing)
bruised knee - on landing
ACL tear
sprained right knee (MCL) - kicked
sprained right knee (MCL) - kicked

Leg/ankle/foot  (10)

laceration in thigh (hooked)
fracture/dislocation of right ankle - on landing
two cracked bones in foot - stepped on by bull
broken foot
bruising and abrasion on ankle - stepped on by bull
bruised thigh – hooked
bruised quadriceps
bruised right leg
broken ankle (Fort Worth)
sprained left ankle - stepped on by bull