Sunday, October 2, 2011

Commentary and Controversy

Coming tonight from Rank:   Live commentary on Rank's Facebook page! I will be watching the event on Versus, commenting on Facebook, and hopefully you will be commenting back.

The idea is to have a conversation about what is going on as it is going on.

You have to have a Facebook page and I think you might have to"like" Rank's page in order to comment.

Night One Summary:

High rider scores:

Douglas Ferreira 89
Harve Stewart 87.50
Jared Farley 87
Brendon Clark 87
Valdiron de Oliveira 86.75
Josh Koschel 87.75

High bull scores (44+):

603 Gypsy Boots (Robinson) 45
6220 RFD HD (Teague) 44.25
7473 Trickster (Teague) 44