Sunday, October 23, 2011

No Predictions

I don't make predictions anymore.  I don't make them because they are always wrong, and not just mine, but everyone's.  I mean, really.  Who predicted that Luke Snyder would win the Last Cowboy Standing, or Colby Yates would win the Iron Cowboy, or Renato Nunes would win the whole deal last year?  No one.

So instead of making predictions, I'm going to make up stories and you can pick the one you like, or make up one of your own.


Silvano Alves wins everything, as everyone is predicting.  He wins the World and he wins the Finals.  And it's a somewhat boring Finals because of that.  Not that he shouldn't win, or that he doesn't deserve to win, but a little bit of drama is a good thing.


It is a down-to-the-wire race between Alves and Oliviera, decided on the final ride of the last round.  That would be better.


Robson Palermo pulls it out of his iron will and makes a come-from-behind run at it, and steals everything while riding with a completely messed up shoulder.  Even better: a hero.


Someone unexpected, like J.B. Mauney or Chris Shivers or Luke Snyder, who can't possibly win the world title, cranks it up and wins the event with a bunch of massive rides.


All three of those guys make a run for it and one of them wins the event at the last minute and goes down in history for riding an unridable bull for a massive score.

Someone loses it at the final ride based on a close call by the replay judge.  Video replayed for eternity with arguments on either side being smashed out on the message boards.  I'm right!  Judge is blind!  You're an idiot!  You're blind!


Bushwacker wins bull of the year, as is hoped by many.  Asteroid does not do well with his time off, and needs more than two outs to get his awesomeness back.  Bushwacker's fans are vindicated.  They knew he was better than Asteroid.


Asteroid returns to form immediately and Bushwacker doesn't return to his early-season form.  Winner:  Asteroid.  Justice is served, his fans say.  The better bull won!  Outcry among Bushwacker fans.  Bushwacker was robbed!


They both do well, almost equally well, and one, of course, wins over the other by a fraction of a point.  No matter who wins, fans cry foul!  Judges play favorites!  The debate rages for years.


Smackdown comes out smoking and beats them both.  Go Smackdown!  Go awesome Katich bulls!


Bushwacker gets ridden.  And someone gets a 97 point score for it.


Next year they will do it differently and come up with a system that rewards a bull's entire season rather than deciding it on two outs at the Finals.

Those are my stories.  What are yours?

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