Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pistol Robinson's Injury

Update on Thursday, January 12:  Pistol had his second surgery yesterday to repair his injured left leg.  It reportedly was successful.   The PBR website reports today:

"Wednesday afternoon, doctors at Bellevue Hospital used a rod and screws to rebuild his left fibula. Afterward, they said it "was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle." The tibia on the same lower leg is expected to heal on its own. Robinson's first surgery was Sunday afternoon, when a rod was inserted in his right femur, the long bone in the thigh.

According to his girlfriend Kelsey Tucker, who traveled from Texas to New York with Robinson's father Darrell, doctors will make sure he remains stabilized and that his blood count is good before "working with him to sit in a chair so he can get on a plane."

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Previous updates:

Pistol's right femur (the large bone in the upper leg) was shattered when his third round bull in NYC stepped on him.  His left tibia and fibula (the bones in the lower leg) were also shattered.  Pistol was taken by ambulance to Bellevue Hospital.

Sunday night Pistol tweeted: "Thanks to everybody for the support. This is the hardest part of the sport of bullriding. It sure helps knowing people care."

In Sunday's Championship Round, Luke Snyder picked Carillo Cartel, the bull that stepped on Pistol, saying that he wanted to get payback for Pistol.  He did, riding the bull for 88.75 points.
