Monday, February 22, 2010

Questions about the bulls

Let's leave the Iron Cowboy for now (see posts below) and go to something a little bit more fun. Here are some of the questions I have been asked about bulls. Some are mine, some come from others. This week I will attempt to find the answers.

Are the bulls "nice?"

Good question. We know they aren’t nice coming out of the chute, but are they nice when they’re just hanging out? I suspect some are nice, some aren't, just like dogs or people.

Is bucking part of a bull's nature? Do they have to be trained to buck?

Genetics must play a major factor here.

Do the bulls like to be ridden?

I know what you mean. Is this a contest for them? Or do they just hate cowboys and the breath they breathe?

What happens when they run out of the arena? How are they trained to do this? Why do some leave right away and others don’t?

Why do some bulls go after the rider once they are on the ground and others don’t?

I’m wondering if this has to do with the niceness quotient or if a perfectly nice bull just gets furious out there and wants to stomp someone. I have noticed that the bull fighters seem less worried about some bulls than others.

Why do some bulls lie down in the chute?

I, too, am totally perplexed by this.

Are some bulls smarter than others? Are some breeds smarter than others? Is a smart bull a harder bull to ride?

How long are most bulls' bucking careers?

How much does a bull calf with a good bloodline cost?

If I walked into a very huge field and in the distance were some bulls, would I be lucky if they didn’t come after me?

That's my question. Because I did this once and now I wonder how stupid it was.

Like I say, I’ll do my best to get the answers to these and any other questions you ask in your comments. Stay tuned for the answers.