Monday, March 1, 2010

Q & A: The Out Gate

Why do some bulls head right out of the arena and others don't? And where do they go when they leave? 

They go to the "back pens." As youngsters they are habituated to the training arena and the chutes and the out gate and the back holding pens. At some training facilities the back pens are their home for a week or so as calves and for the same time period they have their run of the training arena, the chutes, and the gates. In this way they get used to the whole set-up. But the back pens are their "safe place,"and that's where they automatically want to go when the bucking is over.

Why do some of them linger in the arena? Take your pick: confusion, young bull, distraction, a desire to strut their stuff, can't decide whether they still want to run someone over, or momentarily "forgot everything I ever knew." It looks to me like some of them just take a minute to "come to" after the ride. But most of them trot right out.