Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another Little Voodoo Baby?

Most would say that Voodoo Child, ridden only twice in his lifetime, is in the lead for PBR Bull of the Year. His daddy is the great 329 Houdini, his mother is BW51. Bob Wilfong of Wilfong Bucking Bulls is the breeder. Here's a video of BW51 giving birth this spring to a member of the next generation.

Melanie Wilfong writes:

"I would say she was in labor well over an hour. We got her in the trap at the house (about a 50 acre pasture) several days before, so we could watch her better. She came into the yard, which is highly unusual for a bucking cow who's always been in the back pastures. Anyway, we knew she was hunting a private place to calve. About that time, a storm was brewing so we opened the barn gate and she went right in a stall. It took longer than normal, but she was nervous. Also, it's best not to pull one if you can avoid it. The pulled calves never seem to do as well. If the labor had gone on much longer we would have had to pull. Just glad it worked out so well and glad she didn't calve outside in the middle of a storm."