Thursday, July 22, 2010

Notes from Kansas: Rebel Cows

A few weeks ago, one of the Bonsall's cows, RK 550 "jumped herd" and hid in a corn circle. Here's the outcome:

"RK 550 was returned with the 'encouragement' of Sandie horseback riding into the corn circle and chasing her out. He had to locate her first - which took a day. This cow has a history of being difficult. I need to think of a better word to describe her rebellious behavior because the last time in the Mulberry Creek pasture it took three months to trap her. Finally Sandie designed a remote control gate and he hid behind a hill and waited for her to go to the water tank and drink. She will stay in the pasture in front of house now with another cow.

Friday we are going to try to capture some baby buckers and vaccinate and relocate them with their mothers to another pasture. I have a few mothers that are very good at never letting us get near their babies. So we moved the round bale feeder inside the portable panels and when they get hungry they must come into the trap and eat.

Breeding season is over. Time to remove 'Romeo' and let the ladies graze in new green pastures."